Our operation is funded entirely by community donations, government grants, corporate sponsors and fundraising events. Your support of CharterAbility is greatly appreciated.
If you would like to donate to CharterAbility , please consider the following three options:
There are sealed envelopes available on each boat to provide an opportunity for you to donate to the charity. Please provide your name and address, so that a charitable tax receipt can be mailed to you. The envelope should be given to the Captain to be forwarded to the Treasurer.
A donation can be sent to our office. Please mail to the address noted below. Ensure you provide your name and address so a charitable tax receipt can be mailed to you.
1515 Rebecca Street
PO Box 60024
Oakville, Ontario
L6L 6R4​
A donation through Canada Helps.
The link is
Thank you for your kind support and we look forward to seeing you on our boats.